Svyaz-Bank is a universal credit and financial network consisting of hundreds of retail outlets. The banks sphere of influence has spread to 53 regions of the country. This financial structure is included in the list of 30 best domestic banks. The main office of the company is located in the capital of the Russian Federation. Svyaz-Bank is a subsidiary of Vneshekonobank . This corporation owns almost a complete stake in Svyaz-Bank.
The companys services are used by private clients and managers of companies and enterprises. The work with clients is carried out in the following directions:
• financing of the activities of representatives of the small and medium business segment;
• granting loans;
• establishment of foreign economic relations, etc.
“Svyaz-Bank effectively interacts with large corporations, as well as with medium and small scale enterprises. Representatives of various sectors of the economy (energy, communications, etc.) cooperate with the financial organization.
Private clients are not ignored either. In order to improve the level of service for Russian citizens, the banks management is actively working to develop retail financial procedures. For private clients such types of services are provided as:
• savings accounts;
• various types of loans;
• payments and transfers and much more.
Corporate service
The bank has prepared a wide range of services for corporate clients:
• trade acquiring ;
• lending;
• deposit products;
• settlement and cash services;
• cards for corporate clients;
• customs cards;
• salary programs, etc.
Acquiring is a mechanism by which a merchant can accept payments from its customers by non-cash payments using a bank card. In the latest codes, buyers are increasingly resorting to this method of making payments. Acquiring connection is an opportunity to draw the attention of consumers to a retail outlet. Why do customers like cashless payments? Because they are simple, convenient, beneficial and safe. But how is acquiring useful for an enterprise? Lets try to figure it out. 1. By connecting acquiring , the outlet owner will be able to reduce the costs that invariably accompany cash transportation. 2. The level of security also increases: the risk of theft and receipt of "fake" money is reduced. 3. There is no need to open a bank account. To these characteristics can be added the advantages of acquiring from Svyaz-Bank. The financial institutions management adheres to a low pricing policy. The higher the card turnover, the lower the cost of operations. Shops and trade organizations can use online acquiring . This service is designed to accept payments on the Internet. More detailed information will be provided by the Svyaz-Bank website (
ROUND card
Heads of enterprises can issue a special “ROUND” customs card. It is designed to facilitate the payment of customs duties. You can pay by card at all customs points of the Russian Federation. You can also pay in virtual mode. To do this, you need to register an account in the Svyaz-Bank online banking system.
The money stored on the Round card account can be transferred only in favor of the RF Treasury solely on behalf of the enterprise in whose name the customs payment instrument is registered. You cannot withdraw cash from ATMs using the card. It cannot be used to pay in stores or make payments to service providers.
"ROUND" is a convenient tool for paying for the services of the domestic customs service.
1. The card excludes the possibility of overpayment. Using the "ROUND", the client is not obliged to make an advance. The exact amount will be spent on payment of customs duties, without attracting additional money.
2. For enterprises that import their products, the customs card is convenient because it eliminates the need for an advance payment when using two payment orders under a single customs declaration.
3. "ROUND" is accepted at all customs points.
4. Using the card, the fee can be paid at any hour of the day or night.
5. Having only 1 bank account, a company can order several payment documents. This will allow the companys representatives to pay by card at different customs points at the same time.
6. "ROUND" allows you to receive statements on financial transactions and monitor the movement of funds.
7. It is possible to monitor the state of the account and control the expenditure of money through remote services (virtual banking, SMS-notifications).
To get a ROUND card, you need to follow just a few steps.
Step 1. Contact the Svyaz-Bank branch to draw up a cooperation agreement.
STEP 2. Submit an application for the production of a personalized payment document.
Step 3. Register on the Internet banking server of the Svyaz-Bank company.
Paying salaries to employees through Svyaz-Bank
Corporate clients can take advantage of the favorable terms of the salary program. This will create a comfortable environment for both employees receiving wages and for the management of the company. The bank has prepared special tariffs for representatives of the public sector.
Withdrawing cash from payroll clients will not have any problems. Svyaz-Bank owns a wide ATM network. It is even possible to install ATMs on the territory of the enterprise. You can also get "real money" at the cash desks of a financial institution. The terminal network also works. At the service of holders of payment cards "Svyaz-Bank" and terminals of the State Post.
Salary clients can withdraw money not only from ATMs of this financial institution. You can also use the equipment of partner banks (MDM-Bank, Alfa-Bank ). There is no commission for receiving cash.
Should the head of the enterprise conclude an agreement with the bank as part of a salary project? The answer is unequivocal: of course it is!
1. Decreases the costs of collection and storage of cash.
2. It is not necessary to fill out a huge pile of documents, which means that the accounting department will be freed from heavy routine work and will be able to solve more important issues.
3. Money is credited to the accounts of employees of the enterprise at the strictly appointed hour.
4. Complete secrecy of information about employees salaries is maintained.
5. Within the framework of the salary project, you can pay not only salaries, but also incentives, bonuses, travel allowances, and so on.
Employees of enterprises also do not refuse the terms of the salary project. 1. The client is given freedom of choice: he will be able to withdraw money at any time in whole or in part. You can withdraw your salary in cash or pay for goods and services by bank transfer. 2. Not only salary can be credited to the card account. The client can replenish the balance of the card himself or receive money transfers from family and friends. 3. A card is one of the safest ways to store money. If you lose your wallet, then it will be impossible to return it. This is not the case with the card. In case of loss of a payment document, the client can block the account and prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the money. 4. People who receive remuneration for their labor through Svyaz-Bank can get a loan on special conditions: reduced interest rates, increased credit limit, long loan terms. 5. Holders of payroll cards can access finance at any time. If necessary, you can find out about the state of the balance, view the history of payments, get an account statement, trace the direction of money movement. 6. The service of SMS-notifications is available to holders of payment documents: all transactions are accompanied by messages with full information on the performed financial transaction. The information is sent to the cardholders mobile phone. Payroll customers can use other remote services, such as online banking.
Serving citizens
A huge range of services is also presented for private clients. Russians can apply for loans, open savings accounts, receive payment cards, invest in precious metals, carry out operations related to currency exchange, make payments and much more.
Convenient way to save money
The line of deposits is represented by the following categories:
• standard savings accounts;
• deposit programs for people of retirement age;
• deposits for clients with high status;
• investment projects;
• savings accounts "On demand".
The Maximum Income product assumes ruble or foreign currency investments. To open an account, the depositor must deposit at least 10 thousand rubles or 300 conventional units. The contract is concluded for a period from 1 month to 3 years. The interest rate can reach 9.5% / year (when investing in local currency). Income depends on the term of the deposit and the amount. The terms of the contract do not provide for the possibility of debit transactions. The profit is paid at the end.
"Pension" deposit is available for clients who have reached retirement age. To open it, you must present a pensioners certificate. It is a ruble product with a 4% profit. The deposit can be replenished. There is also an early demand for part of the invested funds. The client can choose the method of paying the profit himself. You can receive income every month or withdraw interest at the end along with the entire deposit amount.
The conditions for the "Classic Collection" deposit are also attractive. The client can invest in local or foreign currency. The contract is concluded for a period from 1 month to 5 years. The profit depends on the term of the contract and the amount invested (the interest rate can be 10.5% in rubles). To open a deposit, you need to invest at least 3 million rubles or 100 thousand conventional units. When concluding an agreement, you should pay attention to the fact that it is not allowed to withdraw funds from the account. The replenishment of the deposit is not provided either. If the contract was concluded for 12 months, then the depositor will receive his profit at the end of this period. Having invested money for a longer period, you can count on annual payments. To invest funds, you should contact the Svyaz-Bank branch. You can also open a savings account from your online banking personal account. By the way, this method will bring an additional profit of 0.2% to the standard rate.
How can a dream come true?
Credit products from the financial organization Svyaz-Bank bring Russian citizens a few steps closer to their dreams. Do you dream of your own apartment? Take advantage of mortgage lending and you can buy an apartment in a new building or housing on the secondary market. For those who dream of a private car, the banks specialists have developed several car loan programs. If you need to pay for tuition, make repairs in the apartment or buy new furniture, then you should use a consumer loan.
1. Loans "in real money". By issuing this product, the borrower will receive an amount of up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 15.4%. The debt is repaid within 5 years. For military personnel, the loan term is increased to 7 years.
2. Loans for the purchase of real estate. Having issued a loan, the client can purchase an apartment, a house with a garden plot, a townhouse , an apartment or a garage. A loan can be issued for 30 years. The interest rate ranges from 12.5-13.25% / year. Military personnel can apply for a loan at reduced rates - 12.5% / year. The loan amount can be 30 million rubles. You will need to make an initial payment in the amount of 20% of the value of the property. Mortgages are available to Russian citizens aged 21 to 65 years.
3. Car loans allow you to purchase your own vehicle. The client can buy a new car or a used vehicle. Taking advantage of the state program for subsidizing car loans, the borrower can get a lawsuit on the most favorable terms. The rate will depend on the amount of the initial payment. Having paid 40% of the cost of the car, the client will receive a loan at 9.9%, 30% - 10.9%, 40% - 11.4%. The debt must be repaid within 3 years. The loan amount ranges from 100 thousand to 920 thousand rubles.
The state program provides for certain requirements:
• the cost of a car must not exceed 1,150,000 rubles;
• the machine must be manufactured in the current year;
• the vehicle must weigh no more than 3.5 tons.