URALSIB belongs to the category of banks with federal significance. It is a universal financial institution that provides its clients with a full range of banking services. The company serves representatives of enterprises and organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs and individuals.
The URALSIB banking network consists of 6 branches, 272 retail outlets and a fairly wide ATM terminal network, which includes over 500 self-service terminals, 1,500 ATMs and over 26,000 POS terminals. You can use the services of URALSIB Bank in 7 districts and 46 territorial regions of Russia.
In addition, ATMs and terminals owned by partners are available to clients of a financial institution. The Bank cooperates with hundreds of financial institutions, which allows URALSIB customers to use 5,000 ATMs located throughout the Russian Federation free of charge.
Offers for small and medium businesses
The bank offers representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to use such services as:
• business lending;
• custody services;
• bank cards (salary, corporate, customs);
• acquiring .
Lending to enterprises and organizations
URALSIB Bank offers several types of loans:
• a loan, the purpose of which is to replenish working capital;
• a loan for investment purposes;
• express lending;
• bank guarantees.
The property being purchased or existing corporate property can be used as collateral. There are also products that do not require collateral.
1. "Business turnover". The bank offers several types of products designed to replenish working capital. The loan amount can reach 170 million rubles. The loan agreement can be concluded for a period of 6 to 36 months (depending on the loan amount). The lending rate ranges from 14.3 to 16.8% / year. When applying for a loan, a financial institution does not require the borrower to provide collateral.
2. Business expansion. A wide range of products is presented in this direction as well. The firm can obtain a loan necessary for the purchase of commercial vehicles, the purchase of equipment, sales areas, storage facilities, and more. The loan amount can vary from 300 thousand to 170 million rubles. The debt can be repaid within 7 years. The interest rate will be 13.1-13.9% / year.
3. Express lending. This type of loan can only be obtained by existing clients of URALSIB. The peculiarity of this product is that the borrower can receive a fairly large amount (up to 5 million rubles) in a short time (it takes only a few hours to review the application). The interest rate is 15-16.5% / year. The debt can be repaid within 3 years.
4. Warranty. URALSIB is a bank that also provides such a type of service as bank guarantees. The size of the service ranges from 100 thousand to 35 million rubles. For the service provided, the bank will take only 4% of the commission.
Custody services
The owner of a business or small business can invest at favorable interest rates. The bank offers a wide range of deposits. Clients can open accounts in domestic or foreign currency.
1. The "Philanthropist" deposit is opened in Russian currency units. The client must deposit at least 500 thousand rubles into his account. The yield is 9.1%. Profit can be paid every quarter to a specially prepared account or at the end of the term of the deposit. The peculiarity of this product is that investors take part in a charity event: part of the accrued interest is directed to the construction of a resort facility for children deprived of parental care.
2. The “Accumulative” product can be opened in Russian rubles, US dollars or European money. The account should be at least 100 thousand rubles or 2 thousand in foreign currency. The profit will amount to 8.8% (rubles), 0.4% (US dollars), 0.01 (European Union currency). The depositor can independently choose the method of paying the income: the profit will be credited to a separate account on a monthly basis, or the client can receive proceeds after the deposit is closed.
3. Online deposit. The specificity of this deposit lies in the fact that the client does not need to go to the bank to invest his funds: the deposit can be made online. An account can be opened both in Russian currency and in foreign currencies. You need to put an amount of at least 100 thousand rubles or 5 thousand foreign money on the account. The income is paid after the contract expires. The profit is 9.1% (for ruble investments), 0.6% (for dollar investments), 0.01% (for investments in European currency).
This is not the whole list of depository products offered by URALSIB. More details can be found on the website of the financial institution http://www.bankuralsib.ru .
Payment of wages through URALSIB Bank
The owner of the business can transfer salaries to his employees through this financial institution. The banks specialists have developed a simplified, and therefore faster, mechanism for crediting funds to card accounts of employees. The banks capabilities allow processing registers and payment orders in automatic mode. To do this, the owner of the company should use the "Client-Bank" service.
Salary accounts can be opened not only in domestic, but also in foreign currency.
How is the salary project beneficial to the head of the company?
1. The mechanism of remuneration is greatly simplified: the whole process is carried out automatically.
2. Reduces the costs that usually accompany the payment of wages in cash. There is no need to spend money on collection and saving money, the burden on the accounting department decreases, the amount of documentation decreases, the costs of cash transactions are reduced, etc.
3. This is the safest way to pay money.
4. Any employee can receive a salary on time, wherever he is at the moment.
It is no less profitable to receive wages to card accounts registered with URALSIB Bank. The salary is transferred to the employees account at the hour strictly set by the employer. The recipient does not need to come to the cashier to collect their money. You can withdraw cash at any ATM, while a person can independently manage his finances: he can withdraw his salary in full or only part of it. No commission is charged for withdrawing money from ATMs of this financial institution or its partners.
In addition, the URALSIB card is accepted all over the world. When transporting cash in foreign currency across the border, a person must indicate the amount in the customs declaration. A salary card saves its owner from this bureaucratic necessity: no matter how much money is stored on the card account, it does not need to be indicated in the declaration.
Using their salary cards, customers can pay for goods or services by non-cash payment method. Clients who receive their wages through URALSIB can connect to the virtual banking service for free and gain access to a convenient settlement and account management system.
Additional privileges for salary clients:
• the possibility of obtaining insurance for travel outside the Russian Federation;
• registration of a loan at reduced interest rates;
• participation in bonus programs and promotions, the ability to purchase goods at good discounts.
To become a participant in the salary project, the head of the enterprise must submit documents on the registration of the company, sign a cooperation agreement with the bank and provide the employees of the financial organization with a list of employees who will receive salaries through URALSIB.
You can also apply for participation in a salary project through remote services.
Merchants and organizations providing paid services can use acquiring from URALSIB Bank. This service implies acceptance of payment by bank transfer (using bank cards).
To use acquiring , you need to submit an application to bank employees. This can be done at the branch of a financial institution or online. Using special services, you can calculate the price of the service.
Today, consumers refuse to pay in cash in favor of payments using bank cards, since this is the most convenient and safest method of payment (especially in the case of unexpected purchases). By accepting payment through the acquiring service , the store will be able to increase the volume of goods turnover. The outlet owner can also save on the costs associated with the transportation and storage of cash.
Private client service
Private clients can take advantage of the following offers from URALSIB:
• loan products;
• payment cards;
• deposits and savings;
• offers for wealthy clients.
Private lending
URALSIB issues loans to its clients for the purchase of real estate and vehicles. You can get money to meet consumer needs.
1. Consumer loans. This type of lending is represented by a wide variety. The bank offers favorable conditions to salary clients and public sector employees. The financial institution specialists have developed a special product, thanks to which customers can purchase a modern Samsung phone . There are also proposals related to refinancing loans: the client will be able to change the terms of debt repayment and even the interest rate. Having issued a consumer loan, the borrower can receive an amount of one and a half million rubles at a rate of 16% / year. A loan from URALSIB can also be obtained online.
2. Car loans. You can get a loan from the bank for the purchase of a domestic or foreign car. The interest rate will be 19%. You can also get a loan at reduced interest rates (18% / year). To do this, you should use the program of state subsidies for loans.
3. Mortgage lending. The bank can arrange a mortgage on different terms. The borrower can purchase a new home or property in a facility under construction. You can use the government loan subsidy program and get a loan at the lowest interest rates. There are products for the registration of which you must provide a minimum package of documents. The interest rate varies between 11.25-15.25% / year.
Bank cards
This section is represented by a huge range of products. URALSIB Bank card is a payment instrument that can be used to pay for goods and services around the world. A financial institution issues documents in an international format ( VISA , MasterCard ). 1. "Honorary Senior Citizen" - this product is specially designed for the elderly. The document allows you to receive a good income: the balance of funds (at least 5 thousand rubles) is 5% / year. Profit is paid every month. The cardholder can use ATMs free of charge. You do not need to pay anything for issuing and maintaining a card account. 2. "Telephone" card. This is a unique opportunity to save money on telephone calls. When paying with a card, the client receives 3% of the amount spent on his cell phone account. You need to pay only 700 rubles for the issue and maintenance of the payment document. The card can be used to pay in shopping centers, supermarkets, small shops, social enterprises, etc. 3. Cumulative card. This payment instrument is intended for socially vulnerable people. The card allows you to get a small but stable income. Depending on the amount held in the account, the account holder can make a profit of 4 to 7.5% / year. 4. The Lukoil-URALSIB card is an ideal solution for vehicle owners. By paying with a card, the client receives bonuses that can be exchanged for goods and services of gas stations. 5. Decent Home for Children does not provide any bonuses or discounts. But the holders of these cards can fulfill a noble mission - to help children in need. Paying for goods or services, customer transfers 0.5% of the spent Wed dstv in bl agotvoritelny fund. The money does not come from the clients personal savings, but from the reserve of URALSIB Bank.