" SwedBank " has been operating in the financial market for about 200 years. It is an international financial institution that was founded in Sweden in 1820.
The banks sphere of influence extends to the Baltic states. Representative offices of " Swedbank " operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. The banks services are designed for both individuals and corporate clients. Particular attention is paid to medium and small businesses.
In their work, the companys employees use an individual approach, taking into account the wishes of each of their clients. The system participant can get competent advice on any issues related to the implementation of financial products offered by SwedBank .
The companys management sees its mission in creating favorable conditions for raising the standard of living of citizens and the successful development of society as a whole.
The financial organization has a huge client base, which consists of 9 and a half million ordinary people and 622 thousand enterprises and organizations of various sizes. " SwedBank " is one of the largest banking structures. The network consists of 317 Swedish branches, 206 branches operating in the territory of govt rstv Ave ibaltiki. Bank branches operate in large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg), Ukraine, Finland, etc. This number of branches is served by a huge staff of 16 thousand people.
The companys assets are worth 1 trillion 857 billion kroons.
Stable position in the global market
Over the two-century history of its development, SwedBank has managed to win the trust of customers. World rating agencies speak of the bank as a reliable, safe and efficient structure. The companys policy is aimed at helping enterprises to develop, and young businessmen to confidently get on their feet.
For partners
The financial organization supports various projects and finances their implementation. However, one should not think that the bank gives money to everyone. The companys employees are attentive to the choice of partners. " SwedBank " will help an entrepreneur only if his project meets certain requirements:
• meets the needs of the financial institutions clients;
• involvement of various public organizations;
• long-term perspective;
• high level of professionalism of partners;
• the involvement of Swedbank employees and its clients.
Enterprises whose projects contradict the values of Swedbank cannot count on the support of a financial institution . High-risk programs or projects that may harm nature or people around them are also not considered. The company does not enter into cooperation with religious or political organizations. The bank does not consider applications from individuals.
Retail services
" Swedbank " offers a variety of services to private clients:
• rental of safe deposit boxes;
• settlement accounts;
• payment transactions;
• bank cards;
• lending;
• accumulative programs and much more.
Transfer of payments to the account in " Swedbank "
The client can open an account to transfer wages, pensions or social benefits. For such clients, the companys employees have prepared a number of advantageous offers: reduced rates for credit programs, High profitability of deposit accounts, the possibility of free use of 218 services, including payments and transfers, remote services, debit cards, etc.
An account can be opened in national or foreign currency ... You can apply for an account directly on the companys website (https://www.swedbank.lv/ru). To do this, press the button "Submit an application for opening an account" and fill out the form that opens. The client will be notified of the readiness of the card by a message that will be sent to his cell phone. You can pick up the document at the nearest Swedbank branch .
Payment transactions
The companys clients can make intra-system, interbank and trans-state payments. Transactions can be made through the online banking server.
You can use the option "Regular payments". This is a convenient tool in the case of paying utility bills, paying off credit debts, paying tuition fees. The client needs to enter the details of the recipient of the payment, the amount and date of payment once: the money will be transferred to the providers account automatically.
"Live money"
You can get cash at any Swedbank ATM (the company has a wide ATM- terminal network). To receive "real money", the client needs to issue a bank card (credit or debit).
Cash can also be obtained in stores that are partners of this financial institution. The banks corporate logo flaunts at the cash desks of such establishments. The holders of payment documents can receive the money. For one operation, the client can receive an amount of up to 75 euros (it is allowed to carry out several transactions in a row). The store may refuse to issue cash if there is no money at the cash desk at the moment. You can also withdraw funds at the banks cash desks. The client must first submit an application.
Operations in the foreign exchange market
The capabilities of " Swedbank " allow you to carry out various manipulations with currency. When exchanging money, the internal bank rate is used. Currency transactions are carried out both through remote services and through the cash desks of a financial institution. The client can also contact a foreign exchange dealer and carry out the conversion over the telephone (the service is available for transactions with amounts exceeding 7 thousand euros). The banks specialists provide clients with advice on trends in the modern currency market. Payroll clients can use the services of foreign exchange dealers. Transactions of the "forward" type are also possible, in which the date of currency exchange is postponed for some time ahead (from 3 banking days to several years). Such transactions are beneficial for clients who use several types of currency at the same time and can predict changes in the foreign exchange market. The participant in the operation must determine the base currency and fix its value. When the time comes for the exchange, the rate that was negotiated when concluding the contract will be used. Forward trades allow you to: • fix the value of a currency; • reduce the risks associated with sharp surges in the foreign exchange market; • not depend on the course and get the income that was originally planned.
Individual safe boxes
" SwedBank " provides such a service as the rental of individual safes, in which you can store valuable things and important documents. This is an ideal solution in cases where valuables are left unattended (for example, the whole family goes on vacation).
The bank offers safes of various sizes. The lease agreement can be concluded for a period from 30 days to 12 months.
Bank cards
" SwedBank " issues plastic cards of MasterCard and VISA payment systems . The company offers credit and settlement payment documents.
Payment cards
The financial institution offers a wide range of debit cards. The variety of products will satisfy the needs of different segments of the population.
1. Payment card " SwedBank " is suitable for daily settlements. The document is equipped with contactless payment technology.
2. The classic card provides access to finance anywhere in the world. The document is used to pay for virtual purchases, for cashless payments in land-based retail establishments. The card can be used to pay for tickets for various types of transport, car rental or services of hotel complexes. The holder of the document can receive cash from ATMs in any country in the world. If the card is lost, the client can use the emergency cash withdrawal service .
3. The cards for schoolchildren are specially designed for children aged 7 and over. The documents can be used as a student card. It is a handy tool for paying for online purchases and goods purchased in real time. By paying with a card, its owner gets a good discount. The document is equipped with contactless payment technology. " Swedbank " offers products of this kind for students (young people aged up to 24 years) and teachers.
What is contactless payment technology?
Cards equipped with contactless technology allow you to make payments with one touch. When paying, the client does not release the payment document from his hands. You just need to touch the card to the screen of the reader. The possibility of making a secondary payment is excluded: the device will notify with a sound signal about the end of the operation and turn off.
Credit Cards
Credit cards are a profitable and convenient way to get a loan. " SwedBank " offers several types of credit cards.
1. "Fixed payments". This product allows you to repay the loan gradually. The borrower can get a loan in the amount of 300 to 3 thousand euros. Interest is accrued only on the amount actually spent. Having paid off the debt, the client can spend the funds again. Card account maintenance is free of charge. The holder of the document can withdraw cash or make payments by non-cash method.
2. Credit card " Swedbank ". This product allows you to use credit funds free of charge: the terms of the agreement provide for an interest-free period, which ends on the last day of the current month. Card purchases are insured. The client can independently determine the amount of monthly payments (the main thing is to pay interest on time). Cardholders can purchase items at a reduced cost.
3. "Gold". Clients are attracted by favorable conditions for this product. The grace period for crediting allows you to use the funds without interest until the 10th day of the next month. Travelers especially liked the card: document holders receive an insurance policy for traveling abroad. The card can be used to pay for purchases, purchase plane or train tickets, pay for car rental or book a hotel room. The client can deposit to the card account and personal money. Even if the card is lost, a person will be able to receive cash, no matter where he is.
The account can hold from 600 to 12 thousand euros. The client will have to pay 2.85 euros to issue the card. The service cost will cost 3.91 euros / month.
4. Platinum . This product is designed for status clients. It emphasizes the high position of its owner. The card provides ample opportunities and special privileges. For example, the term of concessional lending has been increased to 50 days. Foreign travel insurance is issued for all family members of the card holder. The bearer of the document gets the opportunity to book rooms in the best hotels in the world.
The size of the loan funds varies from 2 thousand to 12 thousand euros.
Issuance of the card costs 7.11 €, service fee 16.67 € / month.
Placement of funds
The bank offers to place free funds at favorable interest rates. This will allow you to get a stable income. The financial organization has prepared proposals that will be of interest to various categories of the population.
Parents, taking care of the future of their children, can use the For the Future of the Child product. This is a savings account that allows you to collect a certain amount, for example, for training. By investing only a few tens of euros per month, you can provide a reliable and confident start to the young generation. Customers who open this account can expect to receive an income tax refund.
People near retirement age can provide themselves with a decent old age. To do this, it is necessary to take part in pension programs implemented by SwedBank .
The company also offers deposit products. Thanks to a wide variety of programs, the client can choose a deposit that will suit his capabilities and needs. "Urgent" deposit allows you to choose the method of paying out profit. The “Dynamic” product protects savings from unforeseen situations that may occur in the financial market. Taking part in the "Private Portfolio" program, the investor entrusts his finances to professionals.