RUPay - an online platform designed to make payments on the Internet. Payment is the product of joint work of Russian and Ukrainian specialists in the field of programming, financing and jurisprudence. Russian-Ukrainian payments - this is the exact interpretation of the name (R - Russian, U - Ukrainian, Pay - payment). Initially, the service was used by citizens of these two countries, but gradually the system began to conquer the world market for electronic payments. At the moment, the company serves customers from govt rstv bl izhnego and abroad.
The company was incorporated in 2002 (October 7). This is the official date of foundation of the payment. The system integrates the work of all popular payment services. When creating RUPay, the developers saw their goal in integrating various payment systems into one whole. And they succeeded 100% thanks to the use of the latest IT-technologies: a program was created with the help of which it was possible to synchronize the work of many EPS and virtual exchange offices.
Employees of the payment system do not stop there . They develop new programs and launch modern services. For example, you can make payments through the server with a minimum amount of $ 1.
Registration in the system is simple. Here, unlike other EPSs, a minimum of information is required from clients: there is no need to upload scans of a passport, identification number and other documents. In the registration form, you should only indicate your full name, e-mail, locality and state of residence. You must also generate a strong password that will be used to gain access to the profile.
The system does not assign unique numbers to user accounts: the role of the name and wallet number is played by the e-address.
What does RUPay give to its customers?
RUPay provides its users with a wide range of services. Through the service, you can:
• send funds to the accounts of other users of the payment;
• carry out operations related to currency conversion (the site provides a very favorable rate, and the cost of operations is lower than in most EPS);
• send money to friends or partners who have e-accounts in third-party electronic services;
• receive money transfers (RUPay offers more than 2 dozen payment methods);
• withdraw "real money" from ATMs of any financial organization cooperating with this EPS;
• get access to the e-wallet from any corner of the world (to manage the account and control the expenditure of funds, you just need a computer device and a connection to the Network).
About the benefits of RUPay
The RUPay payment system has a number of features that most of the services that specialize in providing financial services on the Global Network cannot boast of.
1. Users do not need to pay a fee to register for an account with RUPay. The e-account is also serviced completely free of charge (no hidden fees are charged). Some types of services are also provided free of charge. For example, when transferring money to the accounts of RUPay users, the account holder will not pay a dime.
2. The clients are provided with a huge list of methods for making online payments. A wide range of financial services allows you to comfortably make transfers not only to internal RUPay accounts, but also to e-wallets of other services and even to bank current or card accounts.
3. The system is available to everyone. Even people who have not previously encountered EPS can figure out how to work in a payment system. The interface is simple: the user will intuitively understand how to behave in a given situation. Detailed instructions, prompts that appear, and templates will help in the work . With their help, the client will be able to select the functions of his personal account, configure security parameters, make a payment, draw up a report on the expense of funds, and so on.
4. Even if there are difficulties in working with the server, you can contact the Cool-center at any time of the day or night, the employees of which will give comprehensive advice, answer your questions and help to cope with the problem.
5. To start working with RUPay, users do not need to install additional computer programs on their equipment: all financial procedures are carried out directly on the payment site.
6. Clients finances are completely safe. The RUPay system is equipped with multi-stage protection. Payment and other user data is transmitted via SSL protocols with 128-bit coded keys. Therefore, people who have issued an e-wallet in this service should not worry that scammers will get to their hard-earned money.
7. The owners of virtual outlets, entertainment sites and other online organizations that provide paid services to Internet users can accept payments directly on their resources.
8. Various types of cryptocurrencies can be used to carry out transactions.
How to register an account in EPS RUPay?
First steps
To access the RUPay features, you will need to register. To do this, go to the payment portal, open the main page and look in the upper right corner - there is a button "Open an account". Click this button - the registration form will appear on the monitor. Fill it out.
The payment does not require a lot of information from its future customers. What do you need to specify? Name, state, date of birth, e-mail box and secret question and answer.
What information should be?
It is worth noting that it is better to enter real data, since otherwise there may be great difficulties with the withdrawal of funds from the system. The e-address must be valid, because through it you will activate your account. In addition, the e-mail will receive messages related to security: information about expense and receipt transactions, one-time passwords and so on.
You will also need to create a strong password. Experts recommend using only original combinations. You should not take passwords that open access to other sites: scammers can easily "figure out" such a code. You should also not include in the combination and your date of birth, elements from the address or other personal data. Attackers will "read" this code in a couple of minutes.
When registering, you will also need to select a secret question and give an answer to it. If you lose or forget your authorization data, it is this secret question that the program will ask in order to understand who it is dealing with: with the true owner of the e-account or with intruders.
So, the registration form is completed. Now you should carefully check the information, accept the rules for working with RUPay (put a tick in a special box) and you can safely press the "Register" button.
You are registered in the system. Having entered your personal account, you will see the code - it must be memorized and kept in the strictest confidence. This is the billing password. Without it, it will be impossible to complete any transaction. As soon as you are going to carry out the next financial transaction: transfer funds to a partner, purchase goods in an online store or withdraw finances to a bank card, the system will ask you for a payment password. If you do not enter it (or enter it incorrectly), the transaction is aborted. Thanks to this measure, unauthorized persons, even if they manage to get into the personal account, will not be able to manage the e-wallet. Attention! Payment password is provided only once! Having memorized the payment password, you press the button with the corresponding name. Now you can use all the functions of RUPay EPS. All information about its owner is provided in the user profile: data on the name and surname, e-mail (and e-wallet number) and account status. Registration in the system will take no more than 5 minutes. To get an e-wallet in this service, it is enough to have basic knowledge of working on the Internet.
Favorable offers from the RUPay payment system
The management of the payment system did not limit itself to providing a standard set of services. Clients of the service have access to additional opportunities, for example, making a profit from deposits or obtaining loans on favorable terms.
1. Custody services. Any RUPay user can invest in order to generate interest income. To do this, you should open deposits in the RUPay system. The profit is 16% and is charged on the balance. Interest capitalization is carried out every day. The income goes to a special e-account. The e-wallet holder can dispose of funds at his own discretion.
2. Loans. The electronic system provides loans to its clients. But to use this service, registration alone is not enough. Credits are issued only to identified users. In addition, the borrowers account should hold as much money as would be enough for a one-time payment to repay the loan. You will have to pay only 5% for using credit funds.
RUPay guarantee
Its no secret that online trading is a very risky business. Traders and buyers rarely trust each other. That is why most of the transactions made on the Web never take place. Sometimes, due to distrust, the relationship between partners is destroyed. Often, by reading the comments of customers of a particular store, we can learn a story about the incorrect behavior of the owners of a shopping site. It happens that online stores also fall for the bait of scammers.
To minimize these risks and establish trust between the system participants, the leaders of the payment service launched the project "100% guarantee from RUPay". Thanks to the project, the person who was deceived by the swindlers will be able to recover the waste. RUPay customers, making a payment for a purchase or accepting payment for goods through the service, do not worry that the money will irrevocably go into someone elses pockets.
Of course, the companys management does not intend to distribute money for the right and the left. The employees of the organization carefully check the reliability of all enterprises that connect to the service. Those trading sites that do not pose a threat receive special certificates confirming their reliability.
RUPay is the most secure service in every respect. Neither buyers nor sellers should worry about the safety of their finances. However, vigilance is never superfluous. When planning to make a payment for a product, a buyer should check if the online store has a RUPay certificate. Money should be sent only using the methods offered by EPS. If these recommendations are not followed, the company cannot guarantee security.
If the buyer has become a victim of fraud, he needs to contact the Cool Center and submit an application. The complaint will be reviewed within 5-7 business days.