1996 saw the start of the Raiffeisenbank era. The company has been successfully developing since the first day of its foundation. Today it is one of the largest banking networks in Russia. The organizations services are used by nearly 15 million customers. The bank employs over 54 thousand employees. The company has opened its branches not only in our country, but also in many European countries. The banking network consists of almost 3 thousand branches. The chain is complemented by subsidiaries and companies providing leasing services.
The banks equity capital is about 38 billion rubles.
The financial institution works with all categories of clients. This is a universal bank, so Russians and foreign citizens will be able to use the full range of financial services.
Comprehensive service
Packaged service is an advantageous and convenient solution. "Sets" consist of a wide range of services. The company offers several of these products. Package holders can take advantage of the following benefits:
• issuing additional payment cards for family members (free of charge);
• reduced cost of transactions;
• free use of some services;
• the ability to invest at high interest rates;
• free insurance for those who are going to cross the state border;
• free connection of the " Concierge Service ";
• the opportunity to take part in incentive programs and promotions.
Payment cards from the "Raiffeisenbank" company
The financial institution issues its own international payment instruments VISA and MasterCard . You can become the owner of a debit or credit card. Having issued a credit card, a person will provide himself with an additional source of funds: up to 600 thousand rubles can be stored on the card account. Money can be disposed of at your own discretion.
The bank employees have developed products, thanks to which customers can purchase goods at discounts or accumulate bonus points.
Features of credit cards "Raiffeisenbank"
1. "Live money" at any time. Payment cardholders can receive cash without charging a commission.
2. Fast and simple loan processing. Credit cards are issued on the same day the client applied for the paperwork. If you decide to purchase a credit card, contact any bank branch in order to apply. You must take your passport and a certificate from the place of work with you, which indicates your income for the last six months. Clients who receive salaries through Raiffeisenbank need only have an identity document with them. If for any reason you cannot come to the bank, you can invite a specialist to your home.
3. Gratuitous use of credit funds. The terms of the credit card agreement provide for an interest-free period for using the money provided on credit. This period is 50 days from the date of the first expenditure transaction. The borrower repays only the amount that was actually spent, and no interest is charged. If after 50 days the loan is not repaid, then you will have to pay interest (they are calculated from the end of the grace period).
4. Fast and secure payments. Some payment documents are equipped with contactless technology, which allows you to make payments very quickly and securely. To make a payment, you simply touch the card reader to the reader . Repeated withdrawal of funds is impossible: after the completion of the operation, the terminal will beep, then the device turns off. You carry out the operation yourself and do not give the card to the cashier.
5. Savings. Raiffeisenbank offers its customers cards that can help them save money. By paying with a card for goods and services, you receive bonus miles (credited to a special account). Having collected the required number of points, you can pay for air tickets, travel documents for trains, etc. You can also pay for a hotel room with bonuses. Credit card holders automatically become members of discount programs. Paying for goods and services of over 6 thousand organizations, you can get a decent discount. Information about current promotions is sent to your mobile phone (for this you need to download a special application).
6. No boundaries. Raiffeisenbank owns a huge chain of ATMs that have spread all over the planet. Using cards issued by the bank, the client can withdraw cash in any locality on Earth. At the service of customers and banking equipment of partners. Through ATMs, you can pay for the services of utilities and communication providers (city, cellular, Internet, TV), transfer funds to relatives and companions, and much more.
Salary projects: benefits for businesses and employees
Individual programs
Individual salary programs can be used by people who receive remuneration for their work at Raiffeisenbank. Additional benefits are provided for such clients, including preferential lending terms. For salary clients, special deposit products and savings accounts have been developed, which provide for the highest rates. The bank also offers to use the packages of complex services "Salary" and "Premium Direct " (the latter is available to people whose salary exceeds 300 thousand rubles). Both packages are issued free of charge.
Complex of services "Salary"
The "Salary" package provides customers with ample opportunities and many additional benefits. Having issued this product, a person can open 3 debit cards of the classic design, as well as a VISA Classic Travel card , with which one can earn bonuses. The salary can be withdrawn at all ATMs of this financial organization and companies that are partners of Raiffeisenbank. Cash is issued free of charge. Salary cards can be used to pay for all types of services: (communications, Internet, electricity and heat supply, etc.). Payments are made without charging a commission. Customers who have ordered this package of services can take advantage of discounts and promotions offered by shopping centers and service providers (more than 5 thousand organizations in total). Attention! The "Salary" package is available only for people who receive their salaries to an account with Raiffeisenbank. If the accruals are not made within 60 days, then the package is automatically terminated. Payment cards continue to work, but not for preferential, but for regular tariff plans. If you decide to receive a salary from Raiffeisenbank, you must submit an application to transfer the payment to the accounting department of your company.
Customer service with high status
Raiffeisenbank has prepared special products for people with high material and social status.
Premium Direct
By using this product, the client will be able to manage their finances from anywhere in the world. In case of any difficulties related to the implementation of financial procedures, the program participant can contact the Cool- center and receive technical and informational support.
The Premium Direct package automatically opens access to online banking capabilities. From your personal account, you can manage accounts, control expenses, monitor the movement of money, etc. You can also carry out transactions over the phone. The service is available both on the territory of our country and abroad. This service is especially in demand when there is no connection to the Network. Premium clients can use: • remote financial advisor; • the ability to place money on current, card or deposit accounts; • payment cards; • preferential terms of lending; • financial protection program. You can apply for a premium package from Raiffeisenbank online.
Premium Banking
This package provides for the provision of personal services. Each client has a personal manager who will help solve all the problems associated with the implementation of financial services and understand the operation of banking services. Experienced specialists will help you resolve current issues and give competent advice on long-term financial planning. Managers meet with their clients in specially designated rooms. The bank guarantees the confidentiality of clients financial and personal information Premium Banking
package owners can use the services of the premium customer support center. The service operates on a separate telephone line, so it will be very easy to contact the operators. The owners of premium packages can enter VIP lounges. Access is open to the halls of international airports in our country and another 100 other countries. It doesnt matter what class you bought the ticket. Not only the owner of the package can enter the VIP room, but also the people accompanying him.
Additional income and safe storage of funds
Bank clients can invest their finances at favorable interest rates. To do this, you should use savings deposits. The company offers a line of products to generate additional income. There are deposits, the conditions of which provide for the possibility of replenishment and spending of funds. Some products only allow top-ups. You can open a deposit in domestic or foreign currency. The methods of calculating interest also differ. They can be paid monthly and transferred to a separate account, or capitalized, added to the amount of the deposit. In some cases, profits will be paid on the day the contract ends. By investing in Raiffeisenbank, a person gets special benefits. 1. You can manage deposits using remote services. In virtual mode, you can draw up invoices, carry out expense and income transactions (if they are provided for by the contract). 2. Customers have access to the "Save with us" service. The service helps to accumulate the amount necessary to achieve the goal (for example, to make repairs in the apartment, buy a precious piece of jewelry, etc.). 3. Investors can order one of the service packages free of charge. Premium payment cards (both credit and debit) are also serviced free of charge. You can also take out an insurance policy for yourself and your family members free of charge. The policy is suitable for those who travel around our country or travel abroad. 4. The deposit can be replenished automatically. 5. By opening complex savings accounts, the depositor receives the highest possible profit.
Lending to private clients
The banks specialists have developed several loan products, the funds from which can be used to meet the daily needs of consumers.
Having issued a loan "Personal", the borrower will receive at his full disposal up to one and a half million rubles at 15.9%. No collateral is required to obtain a loan.
There are special offers for salary clients. The amount of such a loan can reach 2 million rubles. The interest rate is 15.9%. Loans on favorable terms can also be obtained by employees of enterprises that have entered into partnership agreements with Raiffeisenbank. For such clients, the maximum loan amount will be one and a half million rubles at reduced interest rates. The credit commission makes a decision to issue a loan in a short time - from 60 minutes to 24 hours. If you cannot go to a bank branch to conclude a loan agreement, then you should call a bank employee at your home or in your office. The loan can be obtained in "real money" (commission is not charged). You can pay off the debt at any time (fines and commissions are not charged). Using a virtual calculator, you can calculate the amount of monthly payments.
Repayment of credit debt
Monthly payments can be made in any convenient way:
• in virtual mode through the online banking service;
• through banking equipment;
• at the cash desks of this financial institution;
• at points of acceptance of payments "Zolotaya Korona";
• in the salons of cellular communication;
• through terminals of other banking structures;
• through money transfers;
• from cards issued by third-party banks;
• from e-accounts in popular electronic payment services.