Khanty-Mansiysk Bank
Khanty-Mansiysk Bank has been operating in the domestic market since 1992. The organization is focused on serving residents of the northern region of our country. Today Khanty-Mansiysk Bank is part of the Otkritie group of financial companies.
It is a universal bank that works with all categories of clients. The companys specialists have developed service packages for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, retirees, salary and status clients. The banks work is based on the latest technologies. Taking care of the comfort of their customers, employees of a financial institution have introduced modern services that allow them to carry out banking operations without leaving home.
Terms of cooperation for corporate clients
The services of the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank are used by heads of enterprises representing a wide variety of sectors of the national economy (utilities, fuel and energy companies, machine-building plants, construction corporations, etc.), as well as municipal and state organizations. Working with corporate clients, bank employees adhere to the following principles:
• individual approach;
• taking into account the needs of the enterprise and focusing on solving the set goals;
• operational work;
• flexibility in dealing with cooperation issues.
Settlement and cash services
Khanty-Mansiysk Bank provides its clients with cash settlement services using various types of currencies. Settlement and cash services can be characterized by such qualities as:
• high speed of financial transactions;
• the ability to draw up several current accounts for one contract;
• high accuracy of settlements (“day to day”);
• extended working day (operations can be carried out until 8 pm);
• transparency of prices (no additional mark-ups and hidden commissions are provided).
Lending to enterprises
The specialists of the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank have developed a wide range of loan products aimed at the development of enterprises.
1. A loan to increase working capital assumes favorable interest rates. The terms of the contract provide for an individual approach to each client. Debt repayment terms are negotiated with the head of the enterprise in person. The client can independently choose the form of lending. You can get the entire amount at once or open a credit line. The loan is provided in Russian or foreign money.
2. Loans aimed at financing executive (state or municipal) contracts. This type of loan is provided in rubles. The term of the loan agreement is determined by the period in which it is necessary to fulfill the terms of the contract. The borrower can receive the amount in full or open a line of loans.
3. Funding of applications for participation in auctions or competitions. This product is issued in rubles and is issued for no more than 3 months.
4. Overdraft is a lifeline in those situations when the time has come to fulfill financial obligations (for example, to pay employees for work), and the money will be credited to the companys account only in a few days. This type of loan is issued in rubles, and the bank gives 1 year to repay it.
5. Investment projects. The borrower can receive a large amount in Russian, European or American rubles. The loan repayment period depends on how quickly the project will pay off (but not more than 5 years).
Loan agreements do not provide for fixed interest rates. The rates will depend on the financial capabilities and reputation of the borrowing company, loan terms, currency and other parameters.
Placing free money in deposit accounts
Business owners can get additional profit by investing free funds in deposit accounts with the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank. Deposits can be issued both in rubles and in foreign currency. The peculiarity of deposits for corporate clients is flexibility. Specialists of a financial institution develop terms of cooperation based on the individual needs of a particular enterprise. Together with the client, interest rates are selected (they will be valid for the entire period specified in the contract). The depositor can choose the way of receiving income independently. Interest can be accumulated and paid at the end of the deposit. You can choose monthly or quarterly profit capitalization (interest is added to the total amount of the contribution). If necessary, the client can close the deposit ahead of schedule. To do this, you just need to submit a written application to the banks administration.
Cooperation within the framework of a salary project
Heads of enterprises can sign a cooperation agreement with the bank on the issue of salaries to employees.
1. Why is it convenient? The procedure for remuneration of workers is carried out automatically. The amount of bureaucratic work that invariably accompanies the payment of wages in cash is reduced. Consequently, the efforts of the accounting department can be directed towards solving more important problems. All work is carried out through the virtual banking system .
2. Why is it beneficial? Costs for transporting cash are excluded. You can also save on the work of cashiers.
3. Why is it safe? Keeping cash carries the risk of theft. By paying salaries in a non-cash way, the head of the company does not give attackers a chance to profit from dishonest means.
It is no less profitable to receive a salary in the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank and employees. You can withdraw money from ATMs of the Otkritie financial group without paying a commission. A person can manage his finances himself: if he wants, he will withdraw the entire amount, if he wants, some part. You can manage your salary account through remote services. In addition, people who receive a salary from a given financial institution can take advantage of special benefits. For them, the banks specialists have developed affordable loan products and favorable conditions for savings accounts.
The service trade acquiring
Acquiring (accepting payments from customers bank cards) is one of the most demanded services. Organizations that use non-cash payment methods are more likely to attract customers than businesses that accept only cash.
Acquiring is convenient not only for consumers, but also for sellers:
• service speed increases;
• costs for collection are reduced;
• errors in the delivery of change are excluded;
• turnover increases.
The financial structure takes care of all the troubles associated with the installation of equipment and connection of the service.
The bank offers virtual retail outlets to use the online acquiring service , which can be connected to accept payments on the Internet using payment cards. Virtual acquiring is connected free of charge. For all questions, the client can contact the technical support center (works around the clock).
Bank cards
The bank offers a wide range of plastic products issued jointly with the international payment systems VISA , MasterCard . These are not just tools for making payments. Bank cards allow you to economically spend your family budget. This is possible thanks to bonus programs and flexible discount systems. For example, holders of Aeroflot and UTair payment documents can buy tickets for air transport or trains practically free of charge or at very good discounts. These cards are connected to the bonus miles accumulation program. To receive bonuses, you must pay with a card for goods and services. Welcome points are awarded on first purchase (in some cases up to 10,000 miles). Motorists should apply for a LUKOIL card. This tool also allows you to collect bonuses. Points can be used to pay at petrol stations. There are cards that work on the Cash-Back system . The client, having paid by card, receives a part of the money spent on his account. The refund amount in some cases can be up to 10% of the purchase price. The cardholder can dispose of the accumulated money at his own discretion. If you are interested in such a system of discounts, you should pay attention to the following products: • "Entertainment" card; • "Pension"; • " Auto card "; • "Universal". The bank also offers documents that allow you to receive income on the balance of money stored on the card account: • "Good deeds"; • "Social card". You can manage card accounts through the online banking of the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank.
Deposits for individuals
Savings accounts allow citizens not only to safely store their savings, but also to increase them. The bank offers a wide range of deposits, which differ not only in the size of interest rates, but also in the type of currency, the possibility of replenishment, the method of making a profit, etc. Lets consider some proposals.
1. "Maximum". This product offers the highest income - up to 9.5% / year (in rubles). An account can be opened in rubles or conventional units (dollars or euros). To open a deposit, you need to deposit 30 thousand rubles (150 European or American currency units). The profit will be paid at the end of the term specified in the contract.
2. "Comfortable - Online ". This contribution lives up to its name. It is really comfortable to work with him. The client does not need to go to a bank branch to open a savings account: this can be done through the virtual banking system. The interest rate can be as high as 8.35%. The deposit is made out in local currency. It is necessary to deposit at least 5 thousand rubles into the account.
3. "Pension". This product guarantees a good increase in your pension. It can only be issued by people who have presented a pension certificate. The contract can be concluded for up to 3 years. During this period, the profit will be 7.1% / year. The client can invest an amount from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles. The terms of the agreement provide for the possibility of replenishing the deposit.
Lending to citizens
Loans just in case
Lending products from the Khanty-Mansiysk Bank will help to solve the problems associated with temporary financial difficulties.
1. Overdraft involves the issuance of a loan in the amount of the borrowers average salary. The interest rate will be 25%. The debt is repaid within 8 years. You can pay off the loan earlier than the deadline specified in the agreement, without paying fines and hidden commission fees. The credit commission will promptly consider an application for a loan.
2. "Partner" - this program is designed for employees of companies that are in partnership with the bank. The borrower can receive an amount of up to 1 million rubles at a rate of 24.5% / year. The loan is issued without collateral. By issuing a loan, the client receives additional opportunities. The bank issues a plastic card free of charge. The borrower is insured against financial risks (for example, job loss).
3. "Professional". Payroll clients can use the terms of this product. The borrower can take an amount from 50 thousand to one and a half million rubles. Debt repayment is carried out within 5 years. The rate ranges from 14.9% -27%.
4. "Respectful" loan is issued on favorable terms. It is designed for the elderly. The loan amount will depend on the borrowers income and can reach 200 thousand rubles.
Acquisition of housing with a mortgage
Khanty-Mansiysk Bank offers favorable terms of mortgage lending. The financial institution participates in the state program for subsidizing rates, so the banks clients can purchase real estate on very favorable terms.
The loan is issued for the purchase of a new apartment. The borrower can receive an amount from 500 thousand to 8 million rubles. The loan can be repaid within 30 years. The client needs to make an initial payment of 20% of the property price. The interest rate will be only 11.3% / year.
Other options for purchasing real estate are also possible. For example, an apartment in the secondary market or housing in a house that is under construction. The bank provides loans for the purchase of land plots, country houses, apartments, etc.
For military personnel, there are loyal credit conditions at reduced interest rates. You can also take advantage of loan refinancing and change the rates and schedule of monthly payments.