Bank Saint-Petersburg
For more than a quarter of a century, Bank Saint Petersburg has been operating in the domestic banking market. During this time, the financial institution managed to gain a reputation as a prestigious, reliable and stable bank.
The company operates in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg (and the Leningrad Region), Kaliningrad.
The organizations services are used by ordinary citizens and representatives of enterprises and organizations. The bank works in several directions:
• providing loans (including interbank lending);
• carrying out transactions related to currency conversion;
• operations on the stock and bond market.
The company has its own processing center, thanks to which the service of payment cards is taking to a qualitatively new level.
Service for retirees
"Pension" card
Bank Saint Petersburg offers several products designed specifically for people of retirement age.
To receive a pension and other social benefits, the Pension payment card is suitable. This product provides its holders with special privileges.
1. The card is issued free of charge. Moreover, pensioners do not pay for servicing a card account.
2. When paying by card, the client "returns" a part of the money spent (3% of the purchase price is credited to the account in the form of bonus points).
3. The payment instrument can become a source of additional income: the balance of money is 5% / year.
4. The client is insured against unforeseen situations free of charge.
5. The card can be used to pay for metro travel to St. Petersburg.
The payment instrument is equipped with contactless payment technology.
"Pension" deposits
"Pension" deposit can be made by people who have reached 55 years of age. To open a deposit, you must provide a pension certificate.
"Pension" account is drawn up in local currency: the client must invest at least 10 thousand rubles. The contract can be concluded for 6, 12 and 24 months. The return on the deposit can reach 5% (the rate depends on the term of the deposit).
The client can independently determine the method of paying the profit. Interest can be added to the total (capitalized) or credited to a separate account every month.
The deposit can be replenished. To do this, you must submit an application to the tank staff. If necessary, the client can terminate the contract on preferential terms. The "Pension" deposit can be opened both with personal contact and through the online banking service. The depositors will also like the terms of the agreement on the Pension Online savings account from the Bank Saint Petersburg company (this deposit can be opened through the Internet bank). To open an account, it is enough to invest 1 thousand rubles. The investor will receive a profit of up to 5.5% (upon execution of a contract for 24 months). The account can be replenished. Income is accrued every month and capitalized.
Credit for retirees
Pensioners can get a loan from Bank Saint Petersburg. The terms of the loan are quite acceptable. Receiving a loan for up to 300 thousand rubles, the client will pay only 19.9% / year. To apply for a loan, you do not need to collect a pile of documents - it will be enough to present a Russian passport. The credit commission will review the application within 72 hours. The debt can be repaid within 2 years. If an opportunity arises, the loan can be paid off before the deadline specified in the agreement (no sanctions and fines are provided).
Conditions for payroll clients
People who receive salaries through Bank Saint Petersburg can take advantage of special opportunities:
• obtaining a loan on favorable terms;
• getting additional profit;
• participation in discount and bonus programs;
• free use of remote services.
Payment card for salary clients
The Salary card was issued jointly with the international payment system MasterCard . Having received a payment document, the client will be able to withdraw cash from ATMs without paying a commission, pay for goods or services by bank transfer, pay for purchases purchased in virtual shopping centers.
Credit "Salary"
Salary clients can get a loan on favorable terms. The loan amount can reach 3 million rubles at a rate of 13.5-23.9% / year (the loan amount and interest rate are calculated individually for each borrower). There is no commission fee for the issuance of the loan. You can get cash at the cash desk of a financial institution. The loan is repaid in accordance with the monthly payment schedule. You can pay off the debt ahead of schedule.
Borrowers with a salary of at least 15 thousand rubles a month can get a loan.
You can get a loan in several ways:
• in your online banking account;
• on the portal of the Bank Saint Petersburg company (official site;
• in one of the offices of a financial institution.
"Thirteenth Salary"
A savings account has also been developed for salary clients. You can invest money in domestic and foreign currency units. To open an account, you need to invest at least 3 thousand rubles (or 100 dollars / euro). The contract is concluded for 1 year. The contribution can be replenished.
Income is paid every month (capitalized by adding to the total contribution).
If necessary, the depositor can terminate the agreement on preferential terms.
The profit depends on the type of currency. With ruble investments, the yield will be 6%, with dollar investments - 0.5%, with investments in European currency - 0.3%.
To make a deposit, you should contact the bank employees, read the terms of the agreement, submit an application and pay the required amount.
How to become a payroll client?
If the client decided to receive a salary through Bank Saint Petersburg, he needs to print a salary transfer application form (the document can be downloaded on the website of the financial institution), fill it out and send it to the accounting department of the company that pays the salary.
Customer service with special status
Bank employees have developed a premium package for VIP clients. Cooperation is based on individual service: a personal manager (advisor) works with each client. The specialists functions are to:
• help the client understand a wide range of products and choose the most profitable solutions;
• ensure the implementation of all banking procedures, supporting them with the necessary documents;
• develop a financial management strategy taking into account the needs and goals of the client;
• provide the client with information about the status of his accounts, about the expiration of the agreement on deposits, payment cards, powers of attorney, follow the debt repayment schedule and promptly remind about the date of the monthly payment;
• inform the client about new products and promotional programs that the bank offers to consumers.
The client can contact an advisor for help at any time and schedule a personal consultation. Managers meetings with clients are held in specially equipped offices, in which visitors feel free and comfortable.
Premium payment instruments
The bank issues payment cards specially designed for high-status clients. Premium cards provide their holders with special privileges and almost unlimited possibilities. The documents were issued in conjunction with the world payment systems VISA , MasterCard , so you can pay with cards at any institution in the world. Platinum card can become a business card of a wealthy client: it will emphasize the high material and social status of its owner. The tool provides privileges that are not available to holders of ordinary payment documents: • in case of loss of goods purchased with a Platinum card , the bank will reimburse the losses; • while staying outside Russia, cardholders can freely use the services of doctors and lawyers; • in case of loss, the payment document will be restored as soon as possible. Black card ( MasterCard ) is not just a convenient tool for paying for purchases. Cardholders automatically become participants in bonus programs that are implemented by Bank Saint Petersburg and MasterCard : • the balance of money is 5% / year; • a 1% discount is provided for all goods purchased with a Black card . Holders of payment documents can also use such services as: • personal advisor; • free connection to virtual banking and SMS-informing services; • participation in insurance programs; • concierge service; • VIP-clients support center (works around the clock); • access to premium airport lounges.
Loans for individuals
Russian citizens can get a loan for the purchase of consumer goods, payment for services, purchase of real estate or a vehicle.
Customer credit
Purposeless loans are represented by several products: "Salary", "Classic", "Partner".
Having issued a loan in this financial institution, the borrower will be able to receive up to 750 thousand rubles at a rate of 15.5-23.9% / year. The loan is issued without collateral. The debt must be repaid within 5 years. The money will be transferred to the clients current account opened with Bank Saint Petersburg. The debt is paid in accordance with the payment schedule (every month) in equal installments. The borrower can repay the loan before the expiration of the agreement (without imposing penalties for early repayment). People who work on sea vessels can get a loan on preferential terms - at a rate of 14.5% / year.
Buying a car with the help of Bank Saint Petersburg
The bank also provides this type of loans such as car loans. It is worth using the Easy Purchase program. The client can receive a loan of up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 16.95% / year. When applying for a loan, you will need to make an initial payment of 20% of the value of the car. The loan agreement is concluded for up to 72 months.
The bank offers to take advantage of a special offer and purchase a vehicle from dealers who are in partnership with this credit institution. In this case, the interest rate will be reduced to 15.9% / year.
When receiving a loan, the borrower will not pay commission fees. Car loans are issued without proof of income. This product provides for the purchase of a passenger car or commercial vehicle (category B).
If the borrower has free money, he will be able to pay off the debt ahead of schedule without paying fines and additional fees.
Loan for the purchase of real estate
Bank Saint Petersburg helps residents of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kaliningrad to acquire their own housing. You can buy an apartment in a new building, used living space or premises in a house whose construction has just begun.
The bank participates in government subsidies for mortgage loans, thanks to which clients of a financial institution will be able to obtain a loan on favorable terms. The size of such a loan can reach 8 million rubles. The interest rate will be 11.25% / year. The borrower will need to make an initial payment of at least 20% of the cost of the apartment.
You cant forbid living "brightly"!
Bank Saint Petersburg invites its clients to take part in the Yarko program. What it is? This is an opportunity to save money without limiting yourself in anything.
By becoming a member of the program, the client can accumulate bonuses. Points are accrued for goods purchased using Bank Saint Petersburg cards. Up to 5% of the purchase price is returned to the account of the holder of the payment document. Having collected a certain number of bonuses, the client will be able to exchange them for various types of goods (including the services of gas stations).
Using the services of a financial institution, you can also get bonus points - up to 5 thousand.
Some bank partners offer special terms - 50% - hydrochloric discount on goods at payment card that was used, connected to the program "Bright".
The owner of the payment card can connect his document to the program or order a special "Yarko" card. It not only accumulates bonuses, but can also become a stable source of income: the amount that is stored on the card account is 10% / year.