Bank opening
Otkritie is a group of financial companies that ranks 4th in terms of equity capital among domestic banking organizations. The bank has been operating since 1993. In mid-2016, Otkrities assets crossed the mark of 3 billion rubles, and the authorized capital increased to 218 billion rubles.
The bank provides its clients with all types of financial services. The client base of the organization consists of individuals and legal entities. The company specializes in several areas of banking business: investments, retail and corporate services, private banking.
The work of the financial structure is based on the introduction of modern technologies that improve the quality of service. The company can offer its customers a number of remote services that allow them to carry out payment transactions without leaving home.
The Otkritie banking group includes over a dozen financial institutions of various sizes, including several large banks.
The structure boasts an extensive client base, which consists of more than 3 million ordinary citizens, 30 thousand enterprises and organizations and 165 thousand representatives of the small and medium segment of the domestic business. Otkritie Bank operates in 53 regions of the Russian Federation: there is an official representative of the company in many large cities.
Loans on favorable terms
Otkritie offers its clients favorable lending terms. The companys specialists have prepared special offers for salary clients: they can get a loan at a reduced interest rate. The borrower does not need to collect a full package of documents: it is enough to present a passport of a Russian citizen.
It will take no more than 3 days to review the application. And in some cases, the decision to issue a loan can be made in just 15 minutes. The contract is concluded for a period of 1 to 5 years. The loan amount can reach one and a half million rubles. The interest rate ranges from 14.9 to 27% / year.
Having issued a loan, the client receives a number of additional services:
• provision of an insurance policy for the entire duration of the loan agreement (the life and health of the borrower is insured);
• obtaining insurance against risks associated with loss of a source of income (for example, dismissal);
• early repayment of credit debt;
• free issue of a payment card;
• work with loans through the Otkritie Bank website (obtaining information about the balance of debt, viewing the schedule of monthly payments, the amount of the current payment, etc.)
Who can get a loan?
The financial institution provides loans to Russian citizens aged 23-68. Loans are issued to clients who receive salaries through this bank. Only those people who have worked for at least six months in their last job and received a salary for at least 4 months can get a loan.
When applying for a loan, the borrowers income is also important: it must be at least 12 thousand rubles.
Mortgage registration
Mortgage lending from the Otkritie company allows you to purchase housing on favorable terms. The funds received can be used to buy an apartment in a new building, housing on the secondary market, a country house with a garden plot, etc. The money can also be used to improve the living conditions of a family.
1. Real estate in the primary market can be purchased on the most favorable terms. To do this, you should take part in the state program of lending to Russian citizens, which provides reduced interest rates (11.3% / year). You can get up to 8 million rubles. The borrower will need to make an initial payment of at least 20% of the cost of the apartment. The mortgage can be repaid for 30 years.
2. "Free meters" - this type of mortgage involves the acquisition of real estate in the secondary market, the purchase of non-standard living space or part of an apartment. The borrower already has real estate as collateral. The loan amount can be 30 million rubles at a rate of 13.25% / year (the client receives 30-70% of the property value). The loan agreement is concluded for a period of 5-30 years.
3. Mortgages for military personnel provide for reduced rates (11.4% / year). Having received a loan, the borrower will be able to take part in the equity construction of real estate. The loan amount is almost 2 million rubles. The debt must be repaid within 20 years.
4. Refinancing of a mortgage loan allows you to change the terms of the loan agreement: lower interest rates, change the debt repayment schedule, and so on. The interest rate will be 12.25% / year.
More detailed information on the terms of mortgage lending offered by Otkritie Bank can be obtained on the companys Internet resource (official website
Stable income
Deposits are a reliable source of additional income. Otkritie Bank offers its depositors high interest rates and favorable conditions for managing accounts. The financial institution specialists have developed a wide range of savings accounts.
1. "Protection against changes in the foreign exchange market." By making this deposit, the client will be able to protect himself from sharp surges in the exchange rate. One account stores 3 types of currencies. The depositor can carry out exchange transactions within the account without charging a commission and losing income. The method of payment of profits is determined by the client: interest can be transferred every month to a separate account or capitalized, increasing the amount stored in the account. The deposit can be replenished. Prolongation is carried out automatically.
2. "Free management". This deposit is convenient because the client can freely manage funds by replenishing or withdrawing money. Profit is credited monthly to a current or card account. The client can also choose the monthly income capitalization. You can make a deposit in domestic rubles or in foreign currency. When opening an account, the depositor must deposit at least 100 thousand rubles (3 thousand US dollars).
3. "Active replenishment". The conditions of this product provide for the possibility of replenishment, but the client will not be able to withdraw funds from the account. The depositor can choose the method of interest calculation himself.
4. "My piggy bank" is a convenient way to save money to make your dreams come true. The depositor is free to carry out income and expense transactions.
To open a deposit, you should contact the employees of Otkritie Bank. Registration of savings accounts is also possible through remote services (online banking). This is not only a convenient, but also a profitable way to open a deposit, as it involves reduced interest rates.
Offer for seniors
Otkritie Bank offers special privileges to elderly people. To use them, it is worth registering a package of services "Modern pensioner". Package activation is free of charge. There is no need to pay anything and service.
The package provides for the transfer of social payments to the card account. When paying by card in pharmacies, its holder receives a 3% discount (the funds are returned to the bonus account). The balance of the money is accrued a profit of 4% / year. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs of any financial institution (no commission is charged).
Clients who have subscribed to the Modern Pensioner package can open a savings account or use credit products on special terms.
Bank employees organize open days, seminars and conferences. This is necessary in order to increase the financial literacy of socially vulnerable citizens of Russia.
Traveling with Otkritie Bank
For people who often have to travel, bank employees recommend getting a plastic Travel card . This document allows you to collect bonus miles, which can then be exchanged for travel documents anywhere in the world.
You can apply for a card online or using a mobile application. A payment document provides its holder with undeniable advantages:
• free service within the first 90 days from the date of card issuance;
• making a profit on the balance of money (up to 6%) stored on the card account;
• receiving a welcome bonus in the amount of 800 rubles;
• accrual of bonuses (for every 100 rubles there are 1.5 points);
• registration of a free insurance policy for entry into the territory of a foreign state.
Bonuses can be used to pay for plane tickets or railway transport. Bonus points are also accepted for payment for services in hotels. Bonuses are accepted both on the territory of our country and in other states. By issuing a Travel payment card , you can save even while traveling.
Customers of this financial institution can make payments to service providers:
• utilities;
• providers of cable and satellite television;
• Internet service providers;
• mobile and city telephony operators, etc.
Through Otkritie Bank, you can also pay for government services (traffic fines, taxes), pay off loan debts, pay insurance premiums, replenish brokerage accounts and transfer contributions to mutual funds.
You can make a payment at the companys cash desks, through ATMs, or from your personal account in online banking or mobile banking. The most profitable solution is to pay for services in virtual mode. In most cases, there is no commission fee. If the commission is still calculated, then it will be much lower than in a bank branch when carrying out similar transactions.
Clients of a financial institution can send money to partners or close people. You can transfer money from one card to another, to current accounts opened with Otkritie Bank or in third-party financial institutions. Money transfers can also be made through payment acceptance points "Swift", "Zolotaya Korona", "Western Union ".
Small business support
Otkritie Bank helps newly-minted businessmen get on their feet. To take their first steps, an entrepreneur should register his company. This can be done directly on the banks website, in just a few steps.
Step 1. Filling out the questionnaire online. You can understand the filling procedure on an intuitive level. Pop-up prompts will also help, as well as a control system for the information provided. After the questionnaire is completed, it must be uploaded to the server.
Step 2. Automatic preparation of documents. Documents are drawn up in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are thoroughly checked and certified with a barcode .
Step 3. Registration with the tax office. After downloading the documents, they must be submitted to the tax office (instructions for submitting documents are attached).
Step 4. Opening a current account. The bank manager will tell you how to open a current account in the telephone mode.
"My business"
My Business is a convenient service for bookkeeping. It simplifies the procedure for the preparation and submission of financial statements. The documents are compiled automatically: the user makes a minimum of effort. You do not need to travel across the city to hand over the papers to the inspector: you can send the report online.
Using the capabilities of the service, the client can calculate the amount of tax or fee. In some cases, you can even reduce the size of payments (within the framework of Russian legislation).
By registering a personal account in the "My Business" service, the user will be able to receive complete information regarding the state of his business. For example, you can find out if there are any late tax payments. From your account, you can bill consumers for payment.
With the help of the service, you can calculate the wages of the companys employees. All calculations are carried out automatically. Here you can also register specialists who get a job. With just 1 click, the owner of the company will create a package of documents required for registration of a new employee.
In case of any questions related to the operation of the service, users can contact the Cool Center. You can also download dedicated software to your mobile device (tablet or smartphone).